

Bhutan, also known as the Land of the Thunder Dragon isn’t an ordinary place regarded as one of the last Shangri-La in the Himalayan region because of its remoteness, its spectacular mountain terrain, varied flora and fauna and its unique ancient Buddhist monasteries. It is one of the re-actively unexplored pockets of Asia which allow only limited number of discerning travelers to enter the country with a special visa permits. This is the part of the World where Cigarettes are illegal, chilies are taken as dish and where the rice is red in color. Bhutan is recognized as the one of the Buddhist land of the world where most of the houses are painted by giant protective penises, where men wear tunic to work and where Gross National Happiness is given more importance than that of Gross National Products.
Entry visa with a valid password are essential except for Indian and Bangladeshi National. Permission is given to the travelers who are members of a commercially organized tour group. Travel Agents are there to help organize a group or it can be done directly too. 



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