Bungee Jumping & Paragliding

Bungee Jumping
Ultimate Bungee in Nepal may be the most spectacular Bungee Jump on the Planet. This remarkable 500ft (160m) drop into the Bhoti Kosi River gorge on the Nepal/Tibet border is the longest Free-fall in the world. Designed, constructed and operated by very experienced Kiwis to exacting international standards your safety is guaranteed. It is Nepal’s Ultimate Rush. Located a 3 hr drive from Kathmandu and 100km northeast to within 12km of the Tibet border, there is a 166m wide steel suspension bridge over the Bhoti Kosi River gorge and at an of altitude 3600 feet, which is 600 feet lower than Kathmandu. The Bridge: Swiss designed, especially for bungy jumping with a 4x safety factor, the bridge has a loading factor of 41,500kg or 4.5 tones. And those are Swiss measurements!
Paragliding in Nepal can be a truly wonderful and fulfilling experience for the adventure seeker. A trip will take you over some of the best scenery on earth, as you share airspace with Himalayan griffin vultures, eagles, kites and float over villages, monasteries, temples, lakes and jungle, with a fantastic view of the majestic Himalaya. Gliding is a weather dependent sports and the flying season in Nepal commences from November through February, the best months being November and December. The takes off point for these flights is Sarankot (1592m.), which also offers prime views of Fewa lake and mountains at sunrise and sunset (provided the skies are clear) and the landing is by the Fewa lake. No previous experience is required as qualified pilots provide a short briefing before launching
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