Yala Peak Climbing (5500m) – 14 Days

Trip Facts

Duration 14 Days
Group size 1-10
Activity Peak Climbing
Meals Breakfast, Lunch Dinner
DIFFICULTY Moderate to Challenging
Trip Starts Kathmandu, Nepal
Trip Ends Kathmandu, Nepal


Yala Peak is one of Nepal’s easier trekking peaks, just to the north of Kathmandu in the beautiful Langtang valley region, this 5500 meters peak does not require mountaineering experience. From Kathmandu we drive to Dhunche or Syabru Bensi then we follow the trekking rout of Lang tang valley on till kyangjin gompa. Kyanjin Gompa is situated below Langtang Lirung (7246 m) and we spend three days acclimatizing taking day-hikes in spectacular surroundings. We establish base camp on a meadow at 4800 m and climb Yala Peak the next day. The last 400 m is on ice so we will be using crampons, ice axe and rope. From the summit we can see Shishapangma (8046 m) and the fluted Gangchempo (6388 m). After the climb, we return to Dhunche via Syabrubesi and drive to Kathmandu.


Accommodation Hotel.

Our representatives will come to pick you up and transfer to hotel.

Accommodation guest house.

We will drive to Dhunche from Kathmandu for about 8 hours. From Kathmandu up to Trisuli Bazaar we can view the greeneries, amazing landscapes and several villages including glimpse of Ganesh Himal.

Accommodation guest house

We will descend down the ridge past fields, houses and through a forest reaches Ghopche stream. After crossing a bridge mountain trail leads to ridge snout and then we will descend steep a forest slope to the Langtang river, then enters a forest again gradually ascends the path to altitude. After climbing a steep and here comes Lama Hotel (2380m).

Accommodation at lodge

After leaving Lama Hotel, we will climb up through a Rhododendron, Oak forest and the ground covered by moss like a semi tropical Jungle. After hiking up there as occasional views of Langtang Lirung between the trees. The route to go up from Ghora Tabela (3000m) climbing up gently and the valley widens, passing a few temporary settlements their livestock to graze in the high pastures during summer. There we encounter with monasteries, before arriving at the village of Langtang. Walking of 5hours, we settle down and exploring the village.

Accommodation At Tea House Lodge.

The trail crosses through the stone built village, yak pastures as the valley opens out further and the views become more extensive. Passing several streams and moraines, the trail reaches the settlement at Kyanjing. A Monastery and government operated cheese factory. Snow-covered peaks surrounding you in all directions, such as Langtang Lirung, Ganjala peak, Tserko- Ri, Langsisa Ri and many others can be visibly nearby you. Walking time takes about 4 hours.

We will explore Khayanjing Gompa which is the last permanent settlement with a small Gompa and a cheese factory. We can hike up in this day.

Accommodation At tented camp

Today, we will follow the trails for Yala Peak Base Camp. We have to pass rocky glacier trail along the way. Amazing views of Ganchenpo, Naya kang, Tserko Ri, Yala Peak and many others can be seen upon our trek. We will install camp at the base camp.

Accommodation at Lodge

We will wake up early in the morning to climb up to Yala Peak. As we reach the summit of this Peak, we will be rewarded with magnificent scenery stretching far into neighboring Tibet. After an hour’s spending in Peak descend to Kyanjing Gompa.

This is the spare day for climb just in case of bad weather. Overnight at tented Camp.

Accommodation at Lodge

We will join the path we used to ascend to return Lama Hotel, taking in the serenity of the langtang Valley.

Accommodation at Lodge

We will descend further our way and leave the mountains behind us our descent takes us to the Syabru Besi.

Accommodation at hotel

After having Breakfast, we will drive to Kathmandu from Syabru Besi.

Accommodation stay at hotel.

Today, we will have a free day to do shopping around the market or you can rest whole day. It’s up to you how you want to pass the day. In the evening, we are going to make this tour remarkable by knowing your experience about Nepal and dinner together at our own restaurant.

Today, according to your flight schedule our representative will drop you at the international airport for your next destination.

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