Langtang Valley Trek – 11 Days

Trip Facts

Duration 11 Days
Activity Trekking
Trip Starts Kathmandu, Nepal
Trip Ends Kathmandu, Nepal


The Langtang Valley is located only 19 miles North of Kathmandu. The Langtang valley is also known as the valley of glaciers. The area is strongly influenced by its proximity to the border of Tibet. The valley is dominated by Langtang Lirung (7246m / 23,730ft), the highest peak in the area. Langtang Valley Trek is a superb introduction to trekking, among some of the most beautiful scenery in the whole of Nepal. And for the climber, Yala Peak (5500m / 18,045ft) and Naya Kanga (5846m / 19,180ft) offer a wonderful introduction to mountaineering in the Himalaya. The valley offers pine forest, slow moving rivers and swift mountain streams, rugged rock and snow–capped peaks, grassy downs and meadows strewn with daisies and wild premolars. In the upper part of valley there are snow bridges spanning angry torrents, high passes enveloped in mist, tiny lakes with icebergs floating on them and water of crystalline brightness. Arial, Verdana; font-size: 10pt; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: normal;”


On this day we will pick you up at tribhuwan international airport and take you to hotel for your nigh stay.

Second day we will visit places in Kathmandu llike monkey temple, bouddhanath ,durbar square and on our way we will also have lunch .

After morning breakfast we will drive out along the north-western hills of Kathmandu. Enjoy the Himalayan views and mountainous lifestyle through the terraced fields and rustic villages. Take Lunch at the Trishuli Bazar before continuing further to Dhunche. From Dhunche, we descent down to Syabrubesi.

This is our first day of trekking today. Follow the Langtang Khola River. Pass through the dense forests. Cross several suspension bridges. We also pass by a tea houses. The trail goes up and down but it’s not that challenging.

After taking morning tea, we embark our second day of the journey. Our trail continues along dense forests. After making a steady climb up through the valley, we leave the tree line behind us. Enjoy the marvelous views of Langtang Lirung. Pass by water mills, prayer wheels, chortens, with sacred mounds of rocks with inscriptions carved on them

After taking morning tea and breakfast, we get out of the village and pass on through yak pastures. Also pass the largest mani wall in Nepal, made from stone with prayers written on them. The prayers written on the mani wall is supposed to be blown away by the wind. Cross several of the wooden bridges. Since, we are really getting into the high altitudes, you might start feeling the thin air. Gompa. Kanjin Gompa is surrounded by the Himalayas all around. You can take a walk around Kanjin Gompa enjoying the views, glaciers, icefalls, birds and yaks.

Early morning we visit to Tserko Ri (5000m/16,404ft) for mountain sunrise views. After breakfast, proceed to Lama Hotel. Since, its mostly downhill, it is 4/ 5 hours walk from Kanjin Gompa to Lama Hotel. The trail goes all the way down hill through forest following the river. Pass through the ethnic Tamang settlements who follow religious and cultural practices similar to the Tibetans.

Early morning we visit to Tserko Ri (5000m/16,404ft) for mountain sunrise views. After breakfast, proceed to Lama Hotel. Since, its mostly downhill, it is 4/ 5 hours walk from Kanjin Gompa to Lama Hotel. The trail goes all the way down hill through forest following the river. Pass through the ethnic Tamang settlements who follow religious and cultural practices similar to the Tibetans.

After breakfast, we trek down to Syabrubensi, about 5 hours walk. Enjoy the easy trail mostly downhill through lush green vegetation. Arriving Syabrubesi, we take our lunch.

After breakfast we drive back to Kathmandu. Arriving Kathmandu, transfer to your hotel. Spend the day leisurely or catch up on some last minute shopping or explore any sights you missed during your first day in Kathmandu. To celebrate the successful completion of our journey, we will have a farewell dinner in the evening

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