Chulu East Peak Climbing (6419m) – 19 Days

Trip Facts

Duration 19 Days
Max. Altitude: 6419m
Activity Peak Climbing
Meals Breakfast, Lunch Dinner
DIFFICULTY Moderate to Challenging
Trip Starts Kathmandu, Nepal
Trip Ends Kathmandu, Nepal


Chulu East is situated high above the Manang valley with breathtaking views across to the Annapurna II, III and IV, Gangapurna, Glacier Dome, Dhaulagiri, Tilicho Peak and Manaslu. Chulu East Peak Climbing combined with Nepal ‘s most famous Around the Annapurna region trek make up for one of the most spectacular Himalayan trekking and climbing. Chulu East Peak climbing is technically straightforward and you should be familiar with the use of your equipment, crampons, harness, ice axe, tying knots and handling climbing ropes. Most of the climbing will be involved walking roped together, including the glacial crossings. You should be very fit and have good experience of climbing.


On this day we will have our representative from Nepal GoGo treks to pick you up from Tribhuwan International airport and transfer you to hotel of Kathmandu.

Have breakfast and we will go for Kathmandu sightseeing .We will visit monkey temple , bouddhanath , Kathmandu durbar square and have lunch in between that .Then walk through Thamel street and Ason and then back to hotel and have dinner.

After a long drive of about from Kathmandu we will reach at Bulbule. The road till Beshi Sahar is fine and pitched but further ahead from Beshi Sahar the road is dusty and rough. During our drive, you can view spectacular scenery of mountains, different rivers, villages and many more. We will take rest at Bulbule.

After breakfast we will follow our trail through Marshyandi River to Jagat. We will encounter greenery, hills, vistas of mountains like Manaslu, Himchuli Lamjung Himal, Pisang peak and other, rivers, farms and villages. After long trek we stay at lodge at Jagat.

Today our journey will be very interesting as we leave Jagat and head to Dharapani. We will enter into Manang District and we will be passing through several rice, barley and potato fields which are very mesmerizing. Again we will enter village of Kodo and see its lifestyle. Furthermore steep climb from here leads to big village of Manang Valley called as Dharapani. It is a village where Manaslu pass joins and people and their lifestyle is more Tibetan.

We will leave Dharapani in morning and follow our trails until we reach Chame. Along the way we will enjoy small wooden bridges, landslides, waterfalls, Tamang Villages, apple garden and rests at the administrative headquarter of Manang i.e. Chame. From here we will get access to different hotels, Bank, telephone service and post office

Early in the morning we will leave Chame and head towards Pisang. The trails are steeply and rocky. We will pass through several villages like Telukhu and Bharatang, entertained with the dramatic views of Annapurna II and Pisang peak also valley of Himal chuli and Ngadi chuli. The trail climbs through pine forests we reach at Pisang.

We will now trek above tree line and everyone can feel the oxygen getting thinner. The trail passes through Mani wall which is the largest part of Tibetans style village built with rocks. We will see famous Tilicho Lake, Pisang peak, monasteries and finally we are at the magic land of Manang. In Manang there is good provision of tea houses with food facilities.

Crossing the fields of barley, potato, buckwheat, and climbing half hour to tengi, north Marshyandi valley, and passing through small streams, juniper trees, barberry and meadows of Gunsang Village we will arrive at yak Kharka after 5 hr of walking.

We will follow the trail wending through steep pastures to a convenient hollow where the meadow merges into rock and scree. Then, there appears the base camp. Eyeing high above, spectacular views of Annapurna range stretch as far as our eyes can capture.

Today we will take proper rest before starting our climb and take information from our guides about climbing and gears to be used during trek.

After getting well acclimatized, we will move up to the high camp and there we rest atop the terminal moraine of the Chulu glacier. The trail up to the high camp follows scree and snow slopes. Resting at the high camp, we will take a plenty of time to relax and prepare equipment and strategies for the next day.

We will climb up the summit at morning and celebrate our victory on top of it. Its top view offers stunning vistas of the mountains like Annapurna II, III and IV, Gangapurna, Glacier Dome, Dhaulagiri, Tilicho Peak and Mt. Manaslu. Then capturing moments and taking proper rest we trail down to Base camp.

We will follow the same trail to Yak Kharka and take proper rest at lodge.

It takes generally up to 4 hour walk to reach Thorang Phedi from Yak Kharka. We will follow the trail east bank of Jorsang Khola, its bridge, and climbing tough up to the dry high Himalayas and then through steeply rocky path down we settle at Thorang Phedi.

Today is our big day and big trek is ahead of us. We will start our trek with early breakfast and climb rocky trails and then follow icy slippery trails we are at amazing Thorang La Pass (5416 M) which will be our life time experience. We will enjoy this Hindu and Buddhist temple and stay at a lodge. BLD servce

At morning we will visit Muktinath Temple without any breakfast This is famous pilgrimage site for all Hindus and Buddhists all around the world and disciples from India, Tibet and Bhutan visit here every year. After rituals at temple, we will have your breakfast and trail down to Jomsom. Along the way we will experience amazing, ruined village called Jarkot, Kali Gandaki Valley and 500 Years old Gompa. Then we fly back to Pokhara from Jomsom. You will be enjoying Pokhara at a hotel.

We will enjoy Pokhara at its best and comfort yourself with shopping and entertainments, foods and so on and recall what you have achieved from that trek, those beautiful natures, kind peoples and their lifestyle, different cultures and many more. After that we will drive back to Kathmandu and overnight at Kathmandu hotel.

The journey within the mountains of Nepal comes to an end today! Our representatives will drop you to Tribhuwan international airport .

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