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Bandipur is situated on ridge top south of Dumre, you can hike for 2hrs or take local jeep for 30 mi....
Unity in diversity is the specialty of Nepal. Nepal is a small landlocked country situated in the lap of the Himalayas. Nepal is a diverse country inhabited by different races of people as Brahmins, Chhetris, Newars, Gurungs, Rais, Limbus, Sherpas, Tharus etc. These people have different language & follow different religions and they have their own cultures & traditions. Among the different festivals celebration we schedule your holiday as per your interest. The varieties of festivals and occasions we celebrate carry own significance that falls in different dates are Dashain, Tihar, Holi, MahaShivaratri, and so many Jatra as GaiJatra, GhodeJatra, BhotoJatra.
Among all the festivals Dashain&Tihar is the two greatest festivals.
Dashain being the greatest festival for Nepalese is always celebrated with joyful ways. It is celebrated almost for 15 days in the month of October; 1st, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th days are most important. The 1st day is welcomed following the rituals of Ghatsthapana’ by worshiping Goddess Durga for 9 consecutive days. The main day is called ‘Dashamiâ which is also known as ‘VijayaDashamiâ the day when Goddess Durga got victory over demons. On this day the seniors put ‘Tika’ and ‘Jamaraâ giving blessings to their younger ones. This day is like a family reunion where everyone enjoys with the varieties of food, playing cards, flying kites, etc.
Tihar in general signifies the festival of lights.The five-day festival is considered to be of great importance as it shows reverence to not just the humans and the Gods, but also to the animals like crow, cow and dog, who maintain an intense relationship with the humans.
The five days are celebrated as KaagTihar (Crow Tihar), KukurTihar (Dog Tihar), GaiTihar (Cow Tihar)- the main day to worship the goddess of wealth- Laxmi, GoruTihar (Ox Tihar) and the 5th day is celebrated as ‘Bhaitika’ which signifies and carries great importance for the love and concern between brothers-sisters. The sisters put the seven coloursTika on the brother’s forehead and pray for their longer life and progress. Tihar always brings the joyous and jolly mood in the families and friends; playing ‘Deusi-bhailo’.
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