
Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) Trek – 15 Days
January 18-28, 2014

I come to here first time. It's a special experience. We had trekking to ABC. It's easy to trekking than Taiwan's Mountain. There are many tea houses we could eat and take a rest. ABC is Beautiful. Taiwan's mountains are beautiful too. Tour Guide is good his job. We have enjoy trip. Everything is wonderful and beautiful including view sign, people, weather. Thanks everyone.

Annapurna Round Trek – 17 Days
March 29 - April 5, 2014

Dear D.B. Lama, Bhakta & other member in GoGo Trek Thank you for everything. Let us learn "slowly slowly". I'll go to Nepal for EBC or Rara Lake. See you next time in Taiwan or Nepal.

Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) Trek – 15 Days
March 04, 2017

專業的團隊與用心的老闆; 安排行程與線上溝通都很迅速確實, 當地的旅館也安排的很好(可以根據個人需求跟老闆事先討論想住的旅館類型, 團隊會提出proposal讓客人參考);
其中trekking guide(Min)與兩位porter(Raj, Sushil)都是團隊的正職職員, 雖然只是20多歲的當地男生(對我們來說是弟弟了), 但卻都非常有責任感, 也很專業, 經過四天同甘共苦我們大家都已成為很好的朋友
原本在Pokhara安排的司機(來回trekking點)是Durga先生, 是個非常的紳士老先生, 聊天後才知道Durga其實年輕時在英國念書與工作過, 我們後來多請Nepal GoGo trek安排請求Durga擔任我們在Pokhara當地的一日司機, 結果......必須要說同行的兩位女生們都對Durga評價非常高, 大家可以參考......
奇旺安排的住宿與導遊也非常專業(個人非常推薦Bisnu, 鳥類專家), 個人最喜歡獨木舟遊河與野外賞鳥行程

Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) Trek – 15 Days
April 8-23, 2014

Dear D.B., Bhakta, Tirtha, Min, Thank you very much for your nice arrangement and everything during the whole journey. Bhakta, Tirtha & Min formed such a great team and offered support to us every single minute. They are very caring, supportive and funny. We are very lucky and blessed to have them all along the way to ABC. We are sure it is one of the best journeys in our lives. Please let me say again thank you so much for this happy, enjoyable, safe, unforgettable trekking trip. You made our dreams come true! Our best wishes for you all in other trekking journeys!

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